Table of Contents JESP Vol. 8, No. 1, 2012


Vol. 8, No. 1, 2012

(Table of Contents)

Sr. No.:151 UAIC: 97301512020

TITLE: Editorial

Authors:Prof. S.K. Verma


Full Text Link: editorial UAIC 97301512020


Sr. No.:152 UAIC: 97301522020

TITLE: Influence of Age on Lung Function Tests

Authors: Pruthi1, N., & Multani2, N.K.

Affiliation: 1PG Student, Dept of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala-147001, Punjab

2Professor, Dept of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala-147001, Punjab

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301522020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301522020 [pdf] [XML]


Sr. No.:153 UAIC: 97301532020

TITLE: A Study of Lipid Profile in Type 2 Diabetic Punjabi Population

Authors: Singh1, G. and Kumar2, A.K.

Affiliation: 1Research Scholar, Department of Sports Science, Punjabi University Patiala (India) Email:

2Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Science, Punjabi University Patiala (India) Email:

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301532020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301532020 [pdf] [XML]

 Sr. No.:154 UAIC: 97301542020

TITLE: Review Study on Effect of Stimulation of Vestibular Apparatus on Postural Muscle Tone in Cerebral Palsy

Authors: Mittal1, R. & Narkeesh2, A.

Affiliation: 1Post graduate student, Department of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala.

2Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala.

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301542020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301542020 [pdf] [XML]

Sr. No.:155 UAIC: 97301552020

TITLE: Relationship among Anthropometric Indices & Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity of Radial & Ulnar Nerves in Aerobic Trained Athletes

Authors: Soodan1, J.S. & Kumar2, A.

Affiliation: 1Ph.D. Research Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Science, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab (India).

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301552020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301552020 [pdf] [XML]

 Sr. No.:156 UAIC: 97301562020

TITLE: Effect of Surface Spinal Stimulation(SSS) on H-reflex in Normal Individuals

Authors: Narkeesh1, A., Navroop kaur2, N. & Sharma3, S.

Affiliation: 1Associate Professor, Email:, 2 & 3 Post Graduate Students, Department of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002, Punjab, India

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301562020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301562020  [pdf] [XML]

Sr. No.:157 UAIC: 97301572020

TITLE: Efficacy of Neuro – Developmental Therapy Based Gait Training in Correction of Gait Pattern of Post Stroke Hemiparetic Patients

Authors: Vij1, J.S. & Multani2, N.K.

Affiliation: 2Professor, Dept of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala-147001, Punjab

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301572020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301572020 [pdf] [XML]

Sr. No.:158 UAIC: 97301582020

TITLE: Effect of Mulligan Stretching Techniques (TSLR AND BLR) on Biceps Femoris Muscle and Pelvic Rotation by Using Surface EMG and Bubble Inclinometer Respectively

Authors: Pratishtha, K. & Jagga, V.

Affiliation: Prem Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation College, Panipat, Haryana.

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301582020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301582020 [pdf] [XML]


Sr. No.:159 UAIC: 97301592020

TITLE: A Comparative Study of Player and Non- Player Students in Relation to Mental Health

Authors: Gahlawat1, O.P. & Gahlawat2, P.

Affiliation: 1Prof, Department of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University.

2Assistant Professor of Physical Education & Sports, Govt. College for Girls, Chandigarh.

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301592020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301592020 [pdf] [XML]

Sr. No.:160 UAIC: 97301602020

TITLE: Comparative study of body composition between city and rural area boys in Gandhinagar

Authors: Vyas, M.R., Thakur, S.J. & Parmar, P.P.

Affiliation: Sadra, District Gandhi Nagar, Gujrat

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301602020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301602020 [pdf] [XML]

Sr. No.:161 UAIC: 97301612020

TITLE: Effect of Moderate Intensity of Aerobic Exercise Programme on Exercise Tolerance Capacity of Stable Angina Patients

Authors: 1 Mazumdar, S., 2 Verma, S. K. and 3 Kumar, A.

Affiliation: 1 Prof. Babab Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, Punjab, 2 Prof. (Retd), 3 Asst. Prof., Department Sports Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002, Punjab

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301612020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301612020 [pdf] [XML]

Sr. No.:162 UAIC: 97301622020

TITLE: Developmental disturbance of permanent teeth following trauma to primary dentition in young athletic children

Authors: Verma, L.,

Affiliation: Asst. Prof., Dr Harvansh Singh Judge Institute of Dental Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Abstract Link: ABSTRACT UAIC 97301622020.1

Full Text Link: FULL TEXT UAIC 97301622020 [pdf] [XML]


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