Journal of Exercise Science & Physiotherapy (JESP) is an open access journal and already indexed with a number of prestigious leading indexing agencies and databases of the word. The journal has been positively evaluated for its impact Factor. Scientific Journal Impact Factor for the year 2013 is 4.652 against 3-217 in 2012. Global Impact Factor is 0.597 for 2013 as compared to 0.435 in 2012.IIFS impact factor for 2013 is 1.998 I2OR impact factor for 2015 is 5.25.
The journal is indexed in Indexed in CITEFACTOR, RESEARCHBIBLE, MEDIND, HINARI, Genamics JournalSeek, INNOSPACE, Informit, Academic Keys, Science Impact Factor, Science Library Index, GIF, Directory of Science,, ICMJE, Infobase Index, J-Gate, J-informatics. Scientific Indexing Services, Directory Research Journal Indexing DRJI, Scholar Article Impact Factor, Electronic Journals Library, University Library of Regensburg, Airiti Library, International Scientific Indexing (ISI), SIS, International Impact Factor Service, MIAR ICDS 1.0, Advanced Sciences Inerdex (ASI) Germany with Impact Factor 0.8, , Jifactor Impact Factor 0.5, Open Academic Journals Index, Sjournals Index, Index Copnicus Value 2013 4.19. Infobase factor for 2014 is 34.
The journal is also indexed in Directory of abstract indexing for Journals with DAIJ rank of AA (meaning Quality Journal). Indexed with as Romeo blue journal. Digital archiving finalised with Portico. Recently the journal has been indexed in the Indian Citation Index & I Scholar, Scientific world index. Indian journals Index .

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Bibliographic Informatics Division
National Informatics Centre
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Member of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE )
JESP is under evaluation by Proquest, Indian citation Index, General Impact Factor